Books are meant to be read!

It’s a beautiful artifact.

A few weeks ago I journeyed to John K. King Bookstore in Detroit, MI. They had an entire shelf of first-edition Oz books. Most were too expensive for me, of course, but I was able to pick up two written by Ruth Plumly Thompson, the second Oz historian. (And, in my controversial opinion, better than L. Frank Baum.)

I gently carried them home. I just sat down to open up Kabumpo in Oz, which is supposed to be a pretty darn good one. I’d not read it yet, and was eager to do so.

I paged through. The binding was in terrible condition. Pages fell out. Still, the color plates shone, even after all these years. I wanted to see how long the book was… and discovered the first problem.

It was missing at least a few pages at the end. I have no clue how many, but the last page in the book ended in the middle of a sentence. Pretty sure that wasn’t the intent.

Good thing it’s available at Gutenberg Project. I download an epub and decided to switch to digital for the last chapter or so.

Satisfied, I turned to the front. The first chapter grabbed me. New characters I’d not met in Oz before! A vanishing birthday cake that returns only to explode in the royal court! A prince refusing to marry! A king wanting to dip half his subjects! Mystery and action!

And then… twenty pages missing right in the middle.

I set the book down. I couldn’t read it. After all that, I couldn’t read it.

I appreciate this book as an artifact. I love that it’s a first edition. But, old as it is… it’s a book. It’s meant to be read, not to be ogled at. I suppose it’s a bit like toys as told by Toy Story 2. They’re not meant for museums. They’re meant to be played with.

And so this book is a supreme disappoint for me. I could just read the free digital version, but that feels like such a disappointment. I don’t know I will. I haven’t decided yet.

But for the moment, I’m simply put out.

Published by Jon

Jon lives in Kentucky with his wife and an insanity of children. (A group of children is called an insanity. Trust me.)

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